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Home Automatic Fire Alarm Notifications Types of Building affected by changes to our Automatic Fire Alarm policy

Types of Building affected by changes to our Automatic Fire Alarm policy

Following a public consultation, RBFRS will stop automatically sending a fire engine when there is an automatic fire alarm notification in the following types of building.

For a full list of buildings affected by the change to our AFA Policy, please check this document.

Commercial non-residential* Shop, office, warehouse 
Entertainment Leisure centre, cinema, theatre 
Education non-residential*University
StadiumSports ground, pavilion, stadium 
Community properties Library, town hall, museum 
MedicalDoctors’ surgery, health centre 

*Non-residential means no-one sleeps in the building. 

Not affected by changes to our Automatic Fire Alarm policy

Residential homesHouse, bungalow, flat 
Sleeping riskCare home, hotel, hostel, hall of residence, hospitals 
High riskWhere there are site specific risks (i.e. controlled hazardous materials etc).  
Education non-residential* Schools and colleges

*Non-residential means no-one sleeps in the building.