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Eligibility Criteria

Please note that the following criteria applied to applicants for the 2025 scheme.

Candidates will be considered if:

1. They are 18 years old.
2. They live in Berkshire
3. They are from an ethnic group that is currently under-represented in RBFRS:
  • White: Irish
  • White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller
  • White: Roma
  • White: Other White*
  • Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Groups: White and Black Caribbean
  • Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Groups: White and Black African
  • Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Groups: White and Asian
  • Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Groups: Any other Mixed or multiple ethnic background
  • Asian/Asian British: Indian
  • Asian/Asian British: Pakistani
  • Asian/Asian British: Bangladeshi
  • Asian/Asian British: Chinese
  • Asian/Asian British: Any other Asian background
  • Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: African
  • Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: Caribbean
  • Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: Any other Black, Black British, or Caribbean background
  • Other Ethnic Group: Arab
  • Other Ethnic Group: Any other under-represented or minority ethnic group

* Please note: Other refers to any other White ethnicity outside of the category of White: English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British, recorded in RBFRS equality monitoring as ‘White British’, as this is not an under-represented group in Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service. Further data regarding this can be found in the quarterly performance reports on the RBFRS website.