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Home Careers Wholetime Firefighter Step Four: Physical Tests

Step Four: Physical Tests

As part of the Wholetime recruitment process, you will be required to complete the following five physical tests that assess fitness, strength, stamina, coordination, dexterity and ability to work at height and within enclosed spaces.

* Please note that testing equipment may vary and the videos are an indication of what candidates can expect but do not mirror exact test conditions.* 

These programmes gives you some advice to help you improve your fitness in preparation for the physical tests:

Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service is committed to equality of opportunity. If you would like information on the adjustments that can be made at this stage of the application process, contact

Ladder Climb

Candidates wear a safety harness and ascend two-thirds of the way up a 13.5-metre ladder and take a leg-lock. They are then asked to lean backwards and outstretch their arms to the sides, and then whilst looking over their shoulder they are to say out loud what symbol is being shown by the assessor at ground level. This will test confidence at heights.  

Enclosed Space

Candidates put on a facemask with un-obscured vision although this will be in a dark environment.  They will make their way through a crawl and walkway. Once inside the crawl/walkway, they have their vision obscured and return to the start. This will test confidence, agility and stamina. 

Equipment Assembly

Candidates are given a demonstration of the test before having to assemble and disassemble a number of components to make an item of equipment that will test manual dexterity.

Drill Ground Assessment

Candidates are required to complete a series of tasks that simulate firefighting activities such as carrying equipment, running out hose and casualty evacuation, within a set time. This is a test of physical fitness. 

Drill Ground Assessment Training Sessions

These programmes will help you train specifically for the drill ground assessment.

This video gives you some ideas of how you can train for the drill ground assessment at home or at a gym.

Ladder Lift Exercise

Candidates are required to lift the ladder lift simulator to the required height and lower it safely under control. The cradle is loaded with 15kg but including the weight of the equipment, the total is approximately 25kg.

Gym Based Tests

Between October 2024 and December 2025, we will be including an assessment against a set of strength standards in the routine fitness test for our existing operational staff. This will initially be on a trial basis to gather data on the impact of the standards.

The same standards may also be used during the firefighter recruitment process in the future. During all recruitment campaigns between July 2024 and the end of 2025, we will be asking you to participate in our trial and undertake a strength assessment during the recruitment process.

The trial is voluntary, but we would appreciate all candidates participating so we can gather as much data as possible to help inform our future decision-making.

These tests are not a pass or fail and will not affect the outcome of the recruitment process, we will only note your performance.

The trial will consist of five tests which are directly related to the tasks firefighters have to carry out.

LiftStandardFirefighting task this relates to:
Shoulder press x 135kgLifting a 13.5m ladder onto the top of an appliance
Rope pull x 160kgExtend to lower a 13.5m ladder
Rope pull x 23 28kgFully extending a 10.5m ladder
Hex bar deadlift x 160kgLifting equipment from the floor or stowage and lifting casualties to drag with two hands.
Single arm deadlift x 1
(R and L)
28kgLifting equipment from the floor or stowage with one hand. For example, moving the 13.5m ladder from the appliance to where it is going to be used.

These videos demonstrate what is involved in each of the tests. You will be given a full briefing and demonstration on the day.

Whilst developing all round fitness should be your goal to help you meet the standard for the recruitment tests, should you wish to use it here is a specific programme to help you improve strength.

Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service is committed to equality of opportunity. If you would like information on the adjustments that can be made at this stage of the application process, please contact