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Datchet kitchen fire

At 3:02pm on Saturday, 1 October, we received reports of an industrial kitchen fire at The Green in Datchet, Slough. 
Two Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service crews from Slough and crews from Langley, Windsor and Ascot, plus an Aerial Ladder Platform from Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service attended the scene. 
Three Officers also attended the scene, along with crews from London Fire Brigade and Surrey Fire and Rescue Service. 
Upon arrival, crews discovered a fire in a ground-floor kitchen. Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus extinguished the fire using three hose reels and a CO2 extinguisher. 
They were on the scene for around 3 hours 56 minutes, before a crew returned for a  re-inspection later that evening.

Incident Type
Kitchen fire

Slough, England, United Kingdom
