Today (12 June) our firefighters went to an extraordinary incident. It isn’t every day that our firefighters attend a cat up a tree – despite what many might think.
We will only ever attend a cat up a tree if there is a legitimate risk that a person might try and rescue the animal themselves.
Today we had that concern and so we responded to rescue Archie. The reports of a cat up a 40ft oak tree in Pinkneys Green, Maidenhead, came into Thames Valley Fire Control Service at 8:45am on Monday 12 June. Firefighters from Maidenhead Fire Station rushed to the rescue of Archie and brought him down to safety.
Archie’s owner got in touch with us on Facebook to thank the firefighters for rescuing his beloved cat. He said: “He had been missing overnight and had only just been let out 24 hours previous, after a recent house move.
“It’s a cliché that the fire and rescue service gets cats out of trees but you did – and, reading the other serious incidents that you had ongoing at the time locally, it was incredible you responded so quickly.
“All crew, polite, professional and courteous despite the nature of the call!”
We are delighted to say that Archie was reunited with his owner and is looking well.