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Final Few Days to Have Your Say

This consultation is now closed. Thank you to everyone who took part. The results of the consultation will now be taken to the next meeting of Royal Berkshire Fire Authority on 15 February 2022.

Royal Berkshire Fire Authority (RBFA) is consulting on Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service’s funding through Council Tax for the next financial year. There is less than a week left to have your say in the consultation, which is open until 5pm on 1 February 2022. 

RBFA is committed to delivering value for money across the services provided to local residents. The average Band D householder pays just £68.95 per year for their fire and rescue service. Given that RBFA is one of the lowest charging fire authorities nationally, we believe an increase of £5 in 2022/23 (less than 10p a week), remains excellent value for money to the local taxpayer. You can read more about our budget in a letter from Councillor Colin Dudley, Chairman of Royal Berkshire Fire Authority.

Where your money is spent

1. Ensuring a swift and effective response when called to emergencies.

2. Ensuring appropriate fire safety standards in buildings.    

3. Educating people on how to prevent fires and other emergencies, and what to do when they happen.

Chairman of Royal Berkshire Fire Authority, Councillor Colin Dudley, said: “We are determined to continue to provide a safe and efficient service, whilst meeting changing local needs and balancing the budget. We believe that the plans we have put in place over the last few years have provided a good foundation to meet that challenge.

“In order for us to carry out those plans, Royal Berkshire Fire Authority is asking for an increase of £5 in Council Tax in 2022/23 for a Band D household, which equates to less than 10p per week. This increase will enable us to continue to build resilience in our frontline services and assets so that we can deliver a modern and effective fire service for all residents in Royal Berkshire.”

Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue is encouraging anyone that lives, works or travels in Royal Berkshire to have their say in our survey, which is available until 5pm on 1 February 2022.