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Property Manager Fined for Fire Safety Breach

A property manager in Slough was ordered to pay £22,646.82 for fire safety breaches following a successful prosecution brought by Royal Berkshire Fire Authority.

On Wednesday, 19 June 2024, Mr Waheed Afzal pleaded guilty to six charges under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 at Reading Magistrates’ Court. The guilty plea followed an investigation conducted by Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service (RBFRS) in early 2023.

The investigation found that there were several serious fire safety deficiencies at a property managed by Mr Afzal above a restaurant on High Street, Slough.

The breaches included a lack of a linked fire detection system between the commercial and residential units at the property, insufficient emergency lighting, inadequate fire doors and non-fire resisting glazing that would have compromised the means of escape in an emergency.

Mr Afzal was fined of £16,000 following the conviction which, in addition to the victim surcharge and the Fire Authority’s prosecution fees, brought the total cost paid by the defendant to £22,646.82.

Michal Kosierb, Fire Safety Enforcement Lead at RBFRS, said: “This case shows that businesses must take their commitments to fire safety seriously and that we will take action where necessary in the interest of public safety.

 “As a Service, our purpose is to help keep businesses, people and communities safe. We will continue to work with business owners to help them protect themselves and their livelihoods. However, cases like this demonstrate that, if people’s safety is at stake, we will take decisive action to ensure businesses comply with the law.”

“This case shows that businesses must take their commitments to fire safety seriously and that we will take action where necessary in the interest of public safety.”

Michal Kosierb, Fire Safety Enforcement Lead

As well as conducting inspections and investigations, RBFRS’ Fire Safety Teams provide guidance to people to help them protect their businesses. You can find out more about business fire safety by visiting