Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service (RBFRS) are encouraging everyone to prioritise safety during Halloween, Diwali and Bonfire Night celebrations.

Nicola Smith, East Hub Prevention Manager for RBFRS says: “With the upcoming celebrations for Halloween, Diwali and Bonfire Night, we want our community to enjoy themselves whilst also keeping their loved ones safe.
“Take extra care around open flames and fireworks, as decorations and Halloween costumes can be flammable and may cause serious or life-threatening injuries.
“If someone does get burnt, remember to cool, call and cover. Cool the area under cool running tap water for at least 20 minutes, call 999 or 111 for medical advice, and loosely cover the affected area with cling film.”
Nicola Smith, East Hub Prevention ManagerPlease follow our safety advice during these festivities.
- When purchasing costumes and masks, make sure that they are labelled as flame-resistant.
- Do not use flammable materials to make homemade costumes.
- Always keep children away from naked flames.
- If your clothing does catch fire, remember to stop, drop and roll to smother the flames.
- Decorations can burn easily – don’t attach them to lights or heaters.
Candles and Oil Lamps:
- Always place candles in a proper holder on a stable, heat-resistant surface.
- Consider using flameless candles – either LED, battery-operated or electronic.
- Keep flames at a safe distance from flammable materials such as curtains and clothing.
- Place out of reach of children and pets.
- Do not place under shelves.
- Extinguish all candles before exiting a room
- Ensue all candles, incense and oil lamps are extinguished before you go to sleep.
- If a fire should start, do not use water to extinguish a candle wax fire.
- Using a snuffer or spoon is safer than blowing a candle to extinguish a flame.
- Always follow the Firework Code.
- Only buy your fireworks from licensed retailers – look for a CE mark.
- Adhere to the fireworks curfew – do not set off fireworks after midnight.
- Don’t drink alcohol if setting off fireworks.
- Follow the instructions exactly – read the safety instructions carefully before setting off the fireworks.
- Understand what fireworks you can use at home – Category F1, F2 and F3 fireworks are on sale to the public. A consumer firework will fall into either category F2 or F3 depending on how much of a safety distance it requires. Check you have enough space to safely use a firework before you buy it. Category information can be found on the label.
- Be considerate to animals when letting off fireworks – if you plan to let off any fireworks, let your neighbours know in advance so that they can care for pets.
- Stand well back and always supervise children.
- Light sparklers one at a time and wear gloves – never give sparklers to children under five years old.
- Once the firework debris has cooled down, tidy it up and soak in water overnight before putting it in a rubbish bag in the bin.
We are asking residents to consider if they need to have a bonfire. Bonfires can easily become out of control and cause problems for individuals with respiratory problems and put additional pressure on emergency services. However, if you are having a bonfire, please stay safe by following the advice below.
- Build bonfires well away from buildings, fences and trees.
- Keep a bucket of water or a garden hose nearby.
- Never burn aerosols, tyres, canisters or anything containing foam or paint – many produce toxic fumes and some containers may explode, causing injuries.
- Do not use petrol or paraffin to get the fire going as it could quickly get out of control.
- We are asking residents to consider if they need to have a bonfire. Bonfires can easily become out of control and cause problems for individuals with respiratory problems and put additional pressure on emergency services. However, if you are having a bonfire, please stay safe by following the advice below.
- Build bonfires well away from buildings, fences and trees.
- Keep a bucket of water or a garden hose nearby.
- Never burn aerosols, tyres, canisters or anything containing foam or paint – many produce toxic fumes and some containers may explode, causing injuries.
- Do not use petrol or paraffin to get the fire going as it could quickly get out of control.
- Never leave bonfires unattended.
For more safety advice, visit our Celebrating Safely pages.