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Proposed Budget for 2025-26

On Monday, 10 February, Royal Berkshire Fire Authority’s Management Committee met to consider Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service’s 2025/26 Budget and Band D Council Tax precept. The proposed budget has now been recommended for agreement by the Fire Authority on 19 February 2024.

Councillor Jeff Brooks, Chair of Royal Berkshire Fire Authority, said:

“I am delighted to recommend this balanced and forward-thinking budget for agreement by the Fire Authority.

“This is a budget that will further improve upon the already high standards delivered to the people of Berkshire by Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service (RBFRS). It is underpinned by a comprehensive investment programme in the Service’s dedicated staff, estate, training and equipment. For example, around £4 million is due to be invested in new fire engines in the coming years, and we will invest in IT systems that are modern and efficient.

“To make all this possible, we are proposing an increase in the Council Tax precept, of £5 more a year (based on a Band D household), which will be used to maintain the positive levels of service offered, while continuing to invest in equipment, fire stations and training. We have extensively consulted with the communities across Royal Berkshire with over 400 responses and 75% of respondents being in support of RBFA raising council tax by £5 (for a band D household).

“Even with this increase of £5, Royal Berkshire Fire Authority remains amongst the lowest 25% of precepting (council tax collection) fire authorities in the country. Therefore, Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service remains a low cost but high-quality Service – providing good value for money to our residents.

“This was a view backed up by our last inspection, when the Service was rated as a ‘good’ fire and rescue service from His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services, and we will receive our next assessment in the next few weeks.”

The budget will now be considered at the meeting of Royal Berkshire Fire Authority on 19 February, which will be available on RBFRS’ YouTube channel.