Means of Escape
Whilst you may be experiencing changes in the number of customers, new staff intake, increase in stock/deliveries and/or with staff shortage due to self-isolation, e.g. fire wardens, you must consider the below points with regards to the ‘means of escape’ in the event of a fire.
- Review and ensure that the number of fire exits are suitable and sufficient for the current occupancy figures.
- Continue to ensure doors on escape routes can be easily and immediately opened without the use of a key or code, and ensure that fire doors are not wedged open.
- Occupants should not travel excessive distances, pass through an area of high fire risk or move towards a fire to escape the premises.
- Continue to review and make sure that escape routes are adequately lit.
- Ensure all signage is correct and shows people how to escape the building safely.
- Means of escape and fire exit doors must be kept clear of any obstructions and must not stop or slow down anyone using these escape routes. For example, keep them clear of stock and deliveries.
- Whilst managing the two metre social distancing rule, you must continue to ensure that the occupancy figure for the premises is not exceeded.
These areas of the premises should be reviewed with the current expected occupancy in mind and recorded in your fire risk assessment.
For frequently asked questions, please see the NFCC COVID Advice to Businesses.