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Home Your Service Our Performance Annual Plan 2024/25

Annual Plan 2024/25

The Royal Berkshire Fire Authority Annual Plan for 2024/25 was approved on 22 April and is available on our website. This Plan provides us with our direction for the coming year, setting our Annual Objectives, and defining the range of activities we will undertake to deliver our services to the people of Royal Berkshire.

The Plan outlines our key deliverables against our Vision and Community Risk Management Plan priorities, as well as our People Strategy and the workstreams that will sit under the RBFRS Development Programme.

This Annual Plan is in place to provide strategic direction and guide the work that everyone across the Service will support with delivering. The plan also includes our Corporate Measures for 2024/25. Performance against all elements of the Annual Plan is discussed quarterly by the Strategic Performance Board, and scrutinised by the Audit and Governance Committee.