Selling to RBFRS
This section explains how the authority buys goods, works and services. RBFRS (Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service) spends approximately £13 million a year on a wide range of goods and services to support the delivery of the service to the community of Berkshire.
We have a responsibility to ensure that the public money we receive is used appropriately, our expenditure is transparent and we achieve value for money. Our expenditure is governed by our Finance and Contract Regulations and the UK Public Contract Regulations 2015. Over 70% of our expenditure is spent through formal contracts that have been subject to competition.
Many of our contracts are awarded through joint tenders with other partner organisations or via framework agreements that have been set up for use by public sector organisations.
We buy the following commodities through joint contracts: Uniforms, Protective equipment, Vehicles, Fuel and Stationery. We also use purchase cards for low value purchases. Each month we publish details of our expenditure over £500 and all purchase card transactions.